Ocean Dreaming Ocean

Happy Birthday David

Ocean Dreaming Ocean will be available beginning April 7th!  Details will soon be on the Curve Blue website.

David was a true collaborator, and as such he inspired each of us in such a relationship to bring forth our best efforts. He did this for the musicians he worked with as well as the authors, dancers, and producers. For me personally, it was a life-changing course correction.

We met through Paul Winter and grew closer rafting the Colorado River during one of Paul’s Grand Canyon recordings. Those were exciting times on the river with everything constantly changing—from the sunlight and water to the layers of the earth revealed in the canyon itself. Exuberant with David’s creativity and the river experience itself, I invited him to collaborate with author Barry Lopez in a recording of River Notes. I was unprepared for how seriously he took the studio recording process. It was still fun, but David was deeply committed to an existential beauty and for all of us involved to share in that commitment.

David was at his best when improvising, and I learned to always be in the record mode when he was playing. Sometimes the ideas became fully realized and part of larger projects, and sometimes they were left unfinished. 

These seemingly unfinished ideas have found a partner in Hans Christian. I hold dear David’s commitment to beauty and was waiting to find another artist who could and would fully collaborate and be their true self without minimizing what already existed.

Hans has created a true collaboration with David as if meeting through time and space with a shared understanding of the eternal.

Ocean Dreaming Ocean,
Mickey Houlihan


New Album: Ocean Dreaming Ocean


Flow State