Dancing the Inner and Outer Worlds
David Darling and Chungliang "Al" Huang
“In one of the Upanishads it says, when the glow of a sunset holds you and you say 'Aha,' that is the recognition of the divinity. And when you say 'Aha' to an art object, that is a recognition of divinity. And what divinity is it? It is your divinity, which is the only divinity there is. We are all phenomenal manifestations of a divine will to live, and that will and the consciousness of life is one in all of us, and that is what artwork expresses.”
~ Joseph Campbell
I once heard David improvise music behind a slide show that Joseph Campbell created of Picasso’s work. Both David and Joseph were in their element accessing their passion and artistry to dissolve and break our habitual perceptions. We were being reminded that time was a construct and somewhat malleable.
In another life, another culture, David could have been a shaman. His music was a portal of possibilities for so many of us, an invitation to find our own divinity, our own connection to oneness. He was not without his demons, but the music he brought forth came straight from the source.
Within the following video "Remembering Peter Matthiessen", Peter reveals one of his own 'Aha' moments while David's "Water Dragon" dances throughout.
Wishing each of you the grace of finding your own dance within the inner and outer worlds,
Mickey and Judy Houlihan
“Remembering Peter Matthiessen”