In Honor and Celebration:

the life of David Darling, his music, and the gifts he leaves us


“David Darling played the cello the way Georgia O’Keefe painted mountains; decisive, delicate and dedicated to his truth. He could play joy and grief at the same time, the way they occur in life.”

- Kate Munger


David’s interest in music revealed itself early. Later, through his study, practice and athleticism, he received scholarships to Indiana State University in both music and tennis. While tennis became a recreation, the cello became his voice.

“What we know about music is that it comes to each individual in a personal way and when our outpouring of singing or grooving is approved of and encouraged great things happen for each individual. All of us succeed when we are surrounded by love.”

-David Darling, 2008


You can listen to David Darling and Hans Christian’s song "Miracle"

from the Grammy-nominated album Ocean Dreaming Ocean below.


Music for People

David belief in “Music for People ” led to creating the organization that promotes music as a means of self expression, for the musician and non-musician alike.


“I want you to go as deep as you can go. This mantra has been with me all my life.”

— David Darling

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